Critical Thinking and Creative  Writing 

Credit Hours: 3 Hours

Lecturer: William Udotong, PhD.


Course Description

The course introduces you to the process and procedures library usage, writing ethics, required format for all term and research papers, and policies and procedures of ACTS, for successfully completing your academic program.

The goal of this course is to assist you in developing the writing skills necessary to meet a range of anticipated writing tasks that you will encounter during your academic career at ACTS and beyond. 

The course will cover library usage: accessing resources (books, journals, and on-line resources), proper citation of all forms of literature, required format style, academic ethics, and an over-view of study skills for Masters work.    

This course will also introduce you to critical thinking and academic writingThe goal is to introduce you to the kinds of writing assignments and engagement required for graduate level students.

This class will be offered by first year masters and Bachelor students.